29.05                   04.06
A solo exhibition and presentation of the NFT project of Moscow artist SFA:
The most audacious, radiant, and feminine way to fulfill a dream
The exhibition features:
55 sketches drawn from life, with lines done freely and without the use of preliminary sketches. All of the works are done in the artist's style, placing importance on the liveliness and individuality of the models depicted.

The exhibition features:
55 sketches drawn from life, with lines done freely and without the use of preliminary sketches. All of the works are done in the artist's style, placing importance on the liveliness and individuality of the models depicted.

Everyone has a dream!

Some want to go to Paris, others wish to master a new profession, while others want to see whales in their natural habitat. As viewers, you have the opportunity not only to enjoy the beauty but also to lay the foundation for making any of the models' wishes come true.

The exhibition will feature selected canvases, created in the technique of immersive impressionism.

During the exhibition, an online auction is planned.

Exlibris nuseun,

Pushchenskaya St. 7/5 bldg. 2, Moscow,

2 minutes' walk from Kuznetsky Most Metro Station.

29 may - 4 june


MON - FRI 11:00 - 18:30

SAT- SUN 11:00-17:00

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