The collection is a representation of the author's sensory perception of beauty. It creates a bridge that merges physical art with the virtual, the present with the future, and unites dreams with reality.
The future is now!

Dreams and art converge in the NFT collection.

The collection is divided into clusters, each featuring a different model. When a person purchases a work of art, 50% of the cost goes directly to the model's account. Once all work with the model's image is sold, the final amount in each model's wallet should be enough to make their dreams come true.

A dream dictates pricing.

Transactions will be conducted without intermediaries

Everything's straightforward and transparent.

What's an NFT?
This is a unique digital asset. When purchasing, a person receives a certificate indicating their ownership of the work. The artwork itself does not physically move and remains stored in an eternal repository. Essentially, this certificate represents a few lines of code that confirm the NFT owner's possession of the original, unique copy of the object.

This certainty is possible because of blockchain technology, which allows the ownership data to be stored transparently, securely, and in a decentralized manner.

The automation of transactions will be handled by Smart Contracts.

Like any contract, smart contracts establish the terms of an agreement. However, unlike traditional contracts, smart contracts are coded on a blockchain.

"Smart" contracts extend the fundamental idea of cryptocurrencies, enabling transactions and deals without a "trusted intermediary." With their help, you can automate and decentralize practically any type of transaction, no matter how complicated it is.

In our case, each artwork will have a unique contract containing the crypto wallet addresses of the artist and model. The amount will be split 50-50.
Making art exclusively virtual isn't desirable.

Although technology is continually advancing, no method can display images precisely as their originals do. The artworks shield and transmit primary energetic capacity, creating their unique features. The models portrayed in the paintings will keep their favorite pieces, while interested bidders can obtain the rest from online auctions.

The format is preserved.


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